Wednesday, July 31, 2019

D.H. Lawrence’s “Piano” poem Essay

Bicycle, fish, airplane, hat, card, homework, swing, flower, picture, sunglasses, watermelon, puddle, school bus, and lawnmower are words that connect with people with his or her memories in some way. An instant word can bring memories back into his or her reality. Their memories can be so vivid that their dreams may feel like present day. The stream of consciousness can take one word and recreate your whole past. In the poem, â€Å"Piano†, written by D.H. Lawrence, the narrator is affected by the word piano. A woman sings softly to him while he reminiscences about his childhood and his happy memories of his mother. The narrator feels betrayed by the song that has sparked him to rethink the recollections. In his remembrance, the narrator cries for his lost past. In â€Å"Piano†, D.H. Lawrence conveys the meaning of the poem with very distinct tones in each stanza: in the first, the tone is mellow; in the second, bitterly resentful; and in the third, the narrator is mela ncholic. In the first stanza, the meaning is expressed with the tone that is conveyed as warm, mellow and tranquil. Lawrence uses words and phrases such as â€Å"Softly†(L1) and â€Å"in the dusk†(L1). These words express the atmosphere the narrator is in while he reminisces about his past. The narrator dreams of playing the piano with his mother and being aware of all the senses that he felt. â€Å"Softly†(L1) is also connected with the word piano. In musical terms, piano means to play soft and the word guides you through the song. â€Å"A mother who smiles as she sings†(L4) is a pleasant memory for the narrator because he is unaware of his present surroundings of another woman singing. A mellow tone communicates to the reader that the narrator is in a dream like state of mind. Through the mellow tone the reader can capture a mental picture of what he is imagining. â€Å"A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings†(L3) has connected with the reader of what the narrator is dreaming. The reader feels like he or she exists in his state of mind. The sound of the piano is felt. There is a vivid picture of the narrator connecting with his mother while they play the piano together. The mother and son seem to smile as they play and obliviously they are having a good time. The reader is able to connect with this image because of the warm tone portrayed in his memory. The readers will often recreate their own memories with the same warm tone in their everyday life. The second stanza awkwardly changes into a bitter resentful tone. â€Å"Betrays me back, till the heart of me weeps to belong†(L6) shows that the narrator feels that the song makes him think of pleasant times in the past and the narrator wants to go back to those feelings of his childhood. Lawrence has chosen the specific wording to show the reader that the narrator is resentful towards the song because it reminds him of his past. The usage of â€Å"old Sunday evenings†(L7) depicts the repetition of happy events with the narrator’s mother. The change in the tone contrasts with his warm memories, obviously times have changed for the narrator. The bitterness also shows the reader that the narrator is cynical about letting go of those memories with his mother. The reader understands the narrator’s bitterness because of the image the stanza portrays. The â€Å"insidious mastery of song†(L5) brings out feelings of betrayal in the narrator because he feels that the song is the cause of his memories. The narrator might feel like he was tricked into reminiscing by the song and piano. â€Å"Hymns in the cozy parlor, the tinkling piano our guide†(L8) shows the reader that he was very comfortable with his mother. It also gives the reader a sense a home. For instance, it may remind somebody of the holidays when all of the family is around and enjoying each other’s company. The reader can sense tension between the past and the present of the narrator. The harsh image of the narrator being bitter towards a song seems silly but the reader can understand his bitterness by bringing his or her own memories into account. The third stanza is conveyed as melancholic and sorrowful. The narrator feels that the singer is acting â€Å"vain†(L9) when she begins to sing too loudly. This shows that the narrator feels that the woman should not be in his memory. He shows his selfish side when he wants to reminisce alone. â€Å"Down in the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past†(L12) shows the reader that he wants to be that child again when everything was happy. He cries because he cannot go back to that time. Because of the image  of the narrator as a grown man crying, the reader feels sorry for the narrator. Him crying gives the reader a clue that the narrator is proud enough to cry but also depressed about the narrator’s own situation. The visual image and meaning in the third stanza is portrayed through the melancholic tone. The reader can sense many emotions that are connected with the narrator and his past. The sadness he feels is shown through his weeping. The narrator obviously had a loving, deep connection with his childhood for him to feel this way. The reader also feels a little discomforted because of the intimacy of the reader and the narrator’s expression of grief. In everyday life, people do not usually express their sadness with such an open relationship, especially for grown men. The third stanza lets the reader confront the reminiscing feelings that we all share with the narrator. Lawrence uses specific words, phrases, and mood to convey the visual image through his poem. The meaning of the poem is suggested through each stanza’s tone. With each changing emotion the reader feels that himself or herself are incorporated into the mood of the narrator’s feelings. A humanizing touch is needed for the reader to feel connected with the poem. Lawrence uses strong words and simple sentences to juxtapose the piano playing in the narrator’s memories with the lyrical, emotional, and musical stanzas. The three distinct stanzas that convey the meaning of the poem are mellow, bitter, and melancholic that describes the narrator’s feelings as well as many other readers as they read the poem.

Mary Warren

————————————————- How does Miller present the character of Mary Warren in The Crucible? Arthur Miller Shows Mary Warren in different limelight’s of power. At the beginning of the play there is an aspect of her having no power but as you go through the play there seems to be shifts in her power. Miller uses Mary to demonstrate young, single women’s power and how when you have so much power it can just slip right out of your hands in one brief moment.Miller shows that power can be taken away pretty easily and quite absentmindedly from Mary Warren’s character. He demonstrates this by making her young and single and setting the scene to a subservient, naive girl. This makes her prepared to answer and obey others unquestioningly and serving as a means to an end. In Act 1, Mary has a conversation with Abigail about the dancing. ‘I never done any of it, Abby. I only looked. ’ This shows us that she lacks the confidence to get involved, making us see that Miller is trying to present a very timid, scared girl.Marys fear is also shown through this dialogue. A sense of her having no power is shown through Millers use of stage direction. ‘(Enter Proctor. On seeing him Mary jumps in fright)’. Miller is trying to illustrate the lack of confidence and courage she has to stand up to him. This is also a remark of the amount of importance he has upon her. This is also shown in dialogue. ‘I forbid you to leave the house’. In these quotes Miller shows that young, single women have very little to no power and importance in Salem at this time.By Act 2 Mary Warrens character develops, so much so that Elizabeth is starting to fear her, ‘She frightened all my strengths away. ’ This shows that Miller is making Mary stronger and more confidence that other characters have to talk about her behind her back. Even though Proctor still believes she is a ‘mouse’ and still sees her as that, Elizabeth says ‘It is a mouse no more. ’ Miller makes the other character see that there has been a spark switch on in Marys head. All this is shown through the dialogue of the other characters on the stage at this time.Miller uses other characters to illustrate how Mary’s character has changed over a little while. At the end of act two there is an immediate power shift between Proctor and Mary. This is when Mary tells Proctor ‘I saved her life today’. ‘Her’ meaning Elizabeth, when Mary shares this with Proctor, he lowers the whip. The power shift is symbolised with this exact moment, Miller shows this moment through a stage direction. Then Marys dialogue after the power shift shows a side of Mary that we have never seen before, this is where she finally decides to stand up for herself.Miller shows her frustration at her lack of power and her lac k of freedom that she is missing out on in a stage direction and her dialogue. ‘(with a stamp of her foot): I’ll not be ordered to bed no more, Mr Proctor! I am eighteen and a woman, however single. ’ In this quote Miller presents a respectful lady, however angry, who knows her authorities around the Proctors but still thinks that she has some say in what she does in her life. Miller also shows a depth to Mary’s character through her dialogue.In Act 3, Mary has reverted to her timid self like we saw in Act 1, this is shown through her silence and through Proctor speaking for her. In this part Miller tries to make her the weakest character in this Act through stage directions such as ‘(Mary is keeping her eyes to the ground)’ At the end of Act 3, Proctor threatens Mary in to telling the judges that Elizabeth did and is not using witchcraft and accusing Abigail of using it instead. This is effective because Proctor use his tender side for most o f this Act ‘(He lifts Mary’s chin. ) You cannot weep, Mary. Remember the angel, what he says to the boy. But at the last minute Proctor turns on his threatening side and turns on Mary to help him. This is just like at the end of Act 2 when he decides to turn on Mary, there is a strong correlation between Mary’s power and her importance. Abigail also starts to threaten Mary in to accusing Proctor of using witchcraft and not to listen to Proctor no more by pretending that Mary is using witchcraft. ‘(backing further, eyes still fixed above): Mary, please don’t hurt me! ’ Miller tries to show in this part that Mary is powerless by using Abigail’s dialogue to portray this.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A tragicomedy is a comedy with serious elements or overtones*. To what extent can the History boys be classed a tragicomedy?

The play is comic and shows clear features of comedies throughout, such as slapstick humour and farce. This is combined with ‘serious elements’ (often used for humour) such as Hector fiddling the boys, which fits in with the genre of tragicomedy. The debate rises where the serious elements seem not to fit into a comedy, such as the protagonist dying, potentially preventing a happy ending. Some argue there are too many elements that do not fit into the genre of comedies, for ‘The History Boys’ to even be classed a tragicomedy. Serious elements are used for humour in the play, which fits into the definition of a comedy with serious ‘overtones’. The obvious example for this is Hector fiddling with the boys. When Dakin asks Scripps ‘What happened with Hector? On the bike? ’ he replies with comic dialogue, saying ‘I think he thought he’d got me going. In fact it was Tudor Economics Documents, Volume Two’ (pg21). This line always gets a laugh from the audience, and the humour fits into the genre of comedies. As the boys do not take the paedophilia seriously (the audience is aware Scripps is not affected, as he cracks a joke and acts normal), the audience do not either. This distancing effect of comedy allows the ‘serious elements’ to be viewed in a comic, light-hearted way, which fits in to the definition of a tragicomedy. Another example is when Hector hits the boys for using ‘foul, festering, grubby-minded’ language. This is slapstick humour, commonly found in comedies, originating out of a serious ‘element’ of a teacher hitting their students. However, some would argue the play couldn’t be classed as a comedy at all, as it does not have a happy ending, which is vital for comedies. The protagonist, Hector, ‘came off’ his motorbike in a crash. Scripps makes what happened to Hector clear when he says ‘someone dies at school and you remember it all your life’(pg 106). Normally in a tragicomedy the ending will have a sense of catharsis, but there is arguably not one in the play, as it ends on what seems to be his funeral, where (according to stage directions) there are ‘photographs of Hector as a young man’(pg106). The reflection on Hector’s life is melancholy and the tragic effect of Hector’s death negatively affects the boys, as Scripps ‘remember(s)’ it all his life. Despite this, it is possible to argue the ending is cathartic and does fit in to a genre of comedy and tragicomedy. In response to Hector’s death, the audience could see it as an optimistic release for Hector from a life of discontent: his marriage is passionate- his wife married him for ‘lukewarm attentions’ (pg92), his career is over as ‘boys have become work’(pg95), his future is ‘buying a van, filling it with books and taking it round country markets’(pg94). Read also History Quizzes Also, there is the ‘splenid news’ of all the boys getting into Oxbridge- even Rudge (the ‘dumb’ character, often a feature of comedies). This is particularly cathartic, as it structurally mirrors how Dakin explains to Hector (and consequently the audience) that they are ‘all going in for Oxford and Cambridge’ in the third scene. This was the purpose of the boys being at the school for this period, and was commonplace in society at the time, when there was (and still is) huge competition to get into Oxbridge (the top two universities of Britain*). For the audience to watch them work for it and achieve their aspirations, a sense of catharsis is created, resulting in a happy ending, especially as the boys are mainly successful in their future lives, becoming ‘solicitors’ and ‘chartered accountants’(pg107). As the ending is happy, it can fit into the genre of tragicomedy. Some would argue that the character of Posner prevents the play being a comedy. He is outcast and isolated throughout. Posner perfectly demonstrates his problems in a list, saying ‘I’m a Jew. I’m small. I’m homosexual. And I live in Sheffield. I’m fucked. ’ He is even viewed as an outcast by Hector, who dismisses him, saying ‘never mind’ when Posner volunteers for a lift when Hector asks if he ‘can give someone a lift’(pg17). Normally in a comedy, an outcast will find redemption and improve his/her life, resulting in a happy ending. This is not the case. Posner drops out of university and is the only boy who leads a terrible life. This is shown in a structural shift where Mrs. Lintott describes the boys’ future. Posner ‘lives alone†¦ has periodic breakdowns’ and only has friends ‘on the Internet’(Pg108). This tragedy is heightened by the fact that Posner was the cleverest boys- ironic for the audience, as they would be aware of this wasted potential. Bennett also based Posner on himself, as when he was a teenager he was under-developed, which made his ‘school days unhappy’. Posner seems to represent the stereotypical outcast. A character like this, some argue, is so tragic it (along with a couple of other factors, such as the ending debatably not being happy) prevents the play from being a comedy and therefore a tragicomedy. This argument can be countered by the view that serious messages are often at the heart of tragicomedies. As Ustinov said, ‘comedy is simply a funny way of being serious’. This dates back to Shakespearean time, where the dangers of irrational love are portrayed in a humorous forest scene in A Midsummers Night Dream. Bennett could be raising the serious issue of teaching methods, as Posner was the only one that failed, but the ‘only one who truly took everything to heart’(Pg108) from Hector. This suggests Irwin’s methods are better, which rings true in Bennett’s personal life, who claimed he used Irwin’s methods to get in to Oxford. Furthermore, Posner contributes to the genre of comedy by creating humour. Verbal humour is used when he lists his problems and concludes that he is ‘fucked’, one of play’s famous lines. There are other serious messages throughout the play that also create humour, such as Hector’s message of ‘pass the parcel’ with literature. For example, Hector making the boys recite poems and being appalled by Irwin’s suggestion to use quotations he had taught to be ‘trotted out to make a point’(Pg48) is a form of absurd behaviour, common in comedies. A teacher’s job is to help make students make points and do well in exams- Hector does not see this. These ‘serious elements’ have important messages, but also create humour, which fits in to the genre of tragicomedy. Erma Bombeck once said â€Å"there is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humour and hurt†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Individual Project 4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual Project 4 - Research Paper Example In one particular case, a military service captain exploited his authority and position as a reservist to secure government contracts for some private sector companies, which he was affiliated to. Additionally, the captain – working as a government official – accepted kickbacks from one of the companies, as compensation for helping it to secure government work contract. Following the discovery of his ethical failure, the officer was required to retire, while still at the grade of a commander, despite the fact he had already been endorsed for promotion to the rank of an admiral. Apart from the withdrawal of the promotion, the officer was debarred for a period of one year. On the other hand, two of the companies that he had facilitated the reception of government contracts signed 3-year administrative agreements with the military services. The misconduct surrounding the unethical incidence evidenced through the case was that of abusing office and accepting bribes (Gray, Hellman & Ryterman, 2002). Thee misconducts are evidenced by the facts that the officer used his office as a reservist to solicit the contractual work assigned to the companies he was affiliated to. The behavior of acting on behalf of the companies – in a case where he should have been impartial and transparent – showed misconduct on his part. The second misconduct is evidenced by the act of receiving a bribe from one of the companies, as compensation for the role of facilitating the reception of the government contract awarded (Gray, Hellman & Ryterman, 2002). The standard policies and the code of ethics related to government contracting is adequate, and is sufficient for the management of the different areas covered by government contracting, including that the ethics philosophy is built around trustworthiness and honestly, which are mediated through successful personal and professional relationships. Further, the areas

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Article Crtique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article Crtique - Essay Example The integration of the model into the health care industry was ensured by additional literature review, practice analysis, expert panel inputs, and pilot-testing survey. The variability in the application of the design has been handled by its wide coverage of twenty six behavioral and technical competencies. These competencies belong to three major domains in the studied industry. However each of these competencies were defined and benchmarked by behavioral indicators, or levels which were used to assess the progress of the professionals involved. The study model also took into consideration the differential developmental requirements. The Health Leadership Competency Model fits into academic conditions and also adheres well with practical circumstances in health care. The article addressed a clearly focused issue. The article aims at reviewing the operational results associated with the Health Leadership Competency Model being used in a number of organizations related with health care industry. It also aims to critically evaluate the outcomes of the application of Health Leadership Competency Models being used in healthcare management graduate programs. The article also specifically identifies the competencies for the model, its specifications and the validation process. The focus of the research is streamlined and has a defined direction. The objectives of the study have been justified by other literatures as z need of the industry. Standardization of Health Leadership Competency Models have been demanded by a number of researchers in the field. The authors have referred to appropriate and adequate works. The author referred to an explicit range of database and periodicals. A wide range was covered as literatures have been referred by the authors in the process of reviewing the outcomes Health Leadership Competency Model. Literatures pertaining to the need of improvisation in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pros and Cons of Tariffs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pros and Cons of Tariffs - Essay Example It is evident from the study that tariffs help governments reduce competition from foreign companies to allow more opportunities for the growth of domestic industries and increased employment opportunities. As the government imposes a tax on imported goods, the foreign suppliers find it hard to supply to the locals. Thus, domestic producers receive a favorable price for their products and services since the market is unsaturated with goods. The local producers also produce and sell large quantities since the demand is high among the local market. Consequently, they become motivated to provide more products and services, thereby leading to economic growth and loyalty to domestic products. Tariffs may thus enable job retention and creation since local businesses will grow to an extent of employing more people to handle their goods and services. Governments also impose tariffs on imported and exported products as one of the sources of revenue. The taxes help the government to support it s many activities and functions. In fact, approximately 2% of the total government revenue comes from customs duties and taxes. Hence, imposing duties on exports and imports allow the government to fund economic developmental projects. Such projects include building of infrastructures like roads, maintaining social amenities, establishing and maintaining institutions, and paying public workers. Consequently, local businesses and foreign companies will find it easy to set up and conduct business operations in the country. They enable the country to spearhead the economic development and attract investments both from within and outside.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Chemical Mind Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chemical Mind - Movie Review Example The axon, which is protected by a myelin sheath, transmits electrical impulses from the soma to other neurons, muscles, and glands. The nervous system depends on neurotransmitters that trigger signal transmission that leads to emotions and motions. Notably, endorphins and norepinephrine control emotions and alertness respectively. Gamma-aminobutyric acid such as serotonin regulates moods, hunger, and sleep. Acetylcholine and dopamine have both exciting and inhibitory properties. The former triggers muscle action and memory while the latter is important in learning, movement, and pleasurable emotions. Excess dopamine has a link to addictive and impulsive behavior, as well as, schizophrenia. Hormones are chemical transmitters in the endocrine system, and exert action on the brain, as well as, other organs. Notably, hormones regulate moods, arousal, circadian rhythm, metabolism, growth, immune system, and sexual reproduction. Unlike the neurotransmitter, the transmission of messages thr ough hormones is slower. The transmission involves secretion of hormones by glands that enter the bloodstream and eventually reach the brain. It is noteworthy that the hormonal effect is long lasting. The most important gland in the brain is the pituitary that release growth hormone and oxytocin, which play a role in social bonding. In summary, the communication between the brain and peripheral organs involves nervous and endocrine systems.Franz Joseph Gall, a German physician, perceived that a link existed between personality and skull morphology.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Red Scare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Red Scare - Essay Example It might be said that from the government's point of view the roots of the "Red Scare" lie in the subversive actions of foreign and leftist elements in the United States, so it decided to suppress dissent and help promote pro-war opinion in the preparation for the American entry into World War. At the heart of the Red Scare was the conscription law of 1917, which was put in place during World War I for the armed forces to be able to conscript more Americans. This law caused many problems for the conscientious objector to WWI, because for one to claim that status, one had to be a member of a "well-recognized" religious organization which forbade their members to participation in war. As a result of such legislation, 20,000 conscientious objectors were inducted into the armed forces (Feuerlicht 74). After the real war ended in 1918, the ideological war turned against conscientious objectors and other radical minorities such as Wobblies, who were members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and Socialists as well. These Wobblies and Socialists were damned as being subversives who were trying to overthrow the United States government. Wobblies, in particular, were persecuted against for speaking out against the capitalist system. Although most of what they said was on ly to attract attention to their cause, their rhetoric was taken seriously by the government and its officials. From the very beginning of the Red Scare, the Wobblies were the subject of attack by the government, because they were a symbol of radicalism. The government put in place legislation, not only against the Wobblies, but also against Socialists and Communists, due to the fact that the government did not distinguish one of its enemies from another. One such action taken by the government prevented Wobblies who were not yet citizens from naturalization, even if they quit their organization. In 1917, the US government made a law (Espionage Act) which gave the Secretary of Labor the power to arrest or deport any alien "advocating or teaching" destruction of property or the "overthrow of government by force." Words such as "advocating" and the vague language used in the law allowed the government to use deportation as a cure for the anti-government views of its enemies, namely th e Wobblies, Communists, and Socialists. After the war formally ended in 1918, all the groups which opposed the war came under fire. They were seen as destructive to the peace and security of the American nation. The focus of the attacks was no longer on the conscientious objectors, for many of them were already jailed during the war, and were still in jail at the time; it had switched over to the Socialists and the Wobblies (Renshaw 63-65; Zinn 108). In 1917, President Wilson established a "Committee on Public Information" to create and release news favorable to the Allied cause and hostile to Germany. To enforce the efforts of the Committee, the "Bureau of Investigation" was created and disrupted the work of German-American, union, and leftist organizations through raids, arrests, and legal prosecution. The Socialist Party of America strongly opposed the war on pacifist grounds and the result was persecution and punishment under the provisions of the Espionage Act (Murray 18). This act penalized anyone who obstructed the operation of the armed forces, was insubordinate, or displayed disloyalty

Public Intellectual Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Intellectual - Essay Example His immense contribution in religious, economic, social and political matters was outstanding. Nelson Mandela like many other intellectuals was a statesman whose credibility can never be left out when writing the history of South Africa and Africa as a whole. His leadership, humility and perseverance, dedication and courage, love for humanity and fair-mindedness are exemplary traits that gives him credit as one of the world’s greatest public intellects. Mandela’s leadership traits rank him among the world greatest. His political wit and economic vision equate him with Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill. Mandela was a leader dedicated to his countrymen and prioritized their freedom and welfare than his own life (Maanga, 97). In the struggle for South Africa’s independence, he led the ANC as a young man to liberate his country from the hands of the colonial powers. Even after independence and his five year term as the president of South Africa, he still showed the characteristics that made him standout as a leader and father of the nation. According to some famous leaders in South Africa such as Oliver Tambo, Mandela was an inspiration leader who would sacrifice his life for his people. He was a symbol of unity among the Africans in the fight for freedom and against apartheid (Maanga, 98). Mandela possessed the humility and perseverance traits necessary for a leader. Like Martin Luther King in the fight against racism in America, Mandela’s humility in fight against apartheid is appreciated. He endured difficult situations including twenty-seven years imprisonment seeking the freedom of his South African brothers and sisters (Maanga, 97). The imprisonment played an important role of strengthening his call for the eradication of apartheid and freedom of the black people. It is such characters of humility and commitment to his course

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Arts Paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arts Paper 1 - Essay Example â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,† had aroused a sense of empathy in me towards Jig. From her eyes, I saw the point of view of a girl who wished to turn into a woman by making her personal choice towards motherhood. As the idea of conception had always been biological, the idea of motherhood in these changing contemporary times had evolved. In times where women find equal right and opportunities in the American society especially in the time when the story was set, I saw that to Jig, to become a mother or not to become a mother should be a woman’s choice as an individual—not imposed by nature, not imposed by society, not imposed by her other half. Whether she wanted it or not, the choice belonged to her. I saw Jig’s first argument to her decision to become a mother as the valley had been described as â€Å"the country being brown and dry.† With this allusion I saw Jig’s view of her life; it did not resemble anything full of life and beauty. It was the stage of her life when she kept on traveling with her lover, the American, enjoying pleasures life can offer—alcohol, sex, travel—but I thought she saw it something â€Å"dry† and empty. Although it occurred to me that Jig wanted to pursue motherhood, there was a counter-argument to her decision. The country indeed looked brown and dry, but her other choice were â€Å"hills like white elephants.† White elephants had connotations about something grand, something pretty but the owner cannot get rid of yet it would be so costly to keep. In other words, her other choice, the baby would be like a white elephant to her. It would cost her a lot to raise the baby—time, effort, her pleasurable life—if it would be her choice. Even though Jig wanted to make that choice, to her, there was a dilemma: her lover, the American’s contention. In order for them to be together, at least for him to stay with her, Jig should have an abortion. The American views their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Management assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Management - Assignment Example eer has to do with business management in a busy organization but I intend to change to a career associated with information technology and work with the American Red Cross organization. American Red Cross is part of the Global Red Cross society that responds to emergencies and offer immediate help whenever required. I have a lot of interest in the digital technology and feel that I need to help and rescue many people who suffer injuries during disasters, accidents, or clashes. My career change relates to the current technology by the use of the social media and mobile application to alert the organization I intend to work with and the entire team on any urgent help that may be required. I intend to work as a volunteer first to help the management in digitalizing almost all the activities involving rescue missions. The career transition will involve many changes especially on my way of thinking as a rescuer, a volunteer, and not just a manager in an office. After changing my career, I will assist the other members of staff who are not conversant with the modern technology and will require the majority of them to have application software that will enable reporting of such incidents. I expect some workers to shift department to allow technological experts in some departments that will handle the digital transmission of live data from accident scenes giving the maps of the location. I am ready for the career change and feel that I will be of great help to the Red Cross community once I join them as a volunteer. I will work hand in convincing the management leaders to adopt digital technology such as the use of the social media and digital maps to respond to emergencies. Some natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, and accidents have risen to high levels requiring a faster means to communicate and get the Red Cross rescuers ready for the missions. Technology will play a great part in ensuring that everyone arrives at the scene on time and I will

Monday, July 22, 2019

What Effect will the Stansted Expansion Essay Example for Free

What Effect will the Stansted Expansion Essay In order to achieve my objectives properly, much research is going to need to take place. I will conduct some of my own primary research which will involve creating a questionnaire and then asking some local businesses to complete it for me. The questionnaire will include questions which will give me information on the businesses views on the expansions effects on demand, profit, competition, customer base, employees and employee transport. Different businesses I am hoping to receive a completed questionnaire from include banks, estate agents, hotels, taxi firms and businesses in the airport itself. The data I will collect through primary research will be quantitative data with which I can create graphs in order to compare results and form an idea of trends. Its important to remember however that these results are very time relative and could become of less value over time because situation and views will change with the changing economy and times. I will also do some secondary research; this will consist of finding already collected data on the internet, in books or newspapers. With this I will see how other projects similar to this have affected business, or simply using already collected information on the Stansted expansion itself to forward my project. I may also be able to find information on a much more national basis, as the primary research I conduct will only be local, and will not represent the national view of the expansion. This qualitative information has to be carefully used as sometimes the sources could be bias or out-dated. The information collected will also not be directly relating to my investigation as it was gathered for other reasons, so I must ensure I analyse it properly, considering this. Once the primary research and secondary research is completed I will combine and analyse them. I will compare the main worries or benefits that the businesses have to what I have found through the secondary research, and maybe pinpoint things that the businesses may have overlooked. I will also be able to compare the local, and the national effects of the expansion, using this research. I will then present my findings in an overall report showing the main benefits and disadvantages to businesses of the Stansted expansion proposal. Primary Research For my primary research I sent a questionnaire to 10 businesses in or around the airport that are likely to be affected by the expansion. This will give me realistic and relevant information on how the expansion will benefit the businesses, and what problems may also arise from it. I tried to make the questions as easy to understand as possible to make sure the answers are coherent in understanding and are not distorted through mislead answers. The answers and results are presented in quantitative form and therefore are easy to compare and understand, but this does mean however businesses cannot give specific explanations, and any views held that are not represented in the possible answers I have given, will not be accounted for. I have presented the results in the form of a graph to clearly show the trends of the business answers. 1. To what extent do you believe the expansion will effect your business? The results of this question clearly show that most, if not all, businesses will be affected by the expansion of the airport in some way or another, therefore indicating that they all have a vested interest in it. 2. If at all, do you believe this will be a beneficial or problematic affect? The results show that 66% of the businesses believed that the expansion will incur both positive and negative effects onto the businesses. These effects will be discussed in the following questions. It should be noticed that none of the businesses thought that they would only face negative effects from the expansion. (It should also be noted that the business who, in the previous question answered Dont Know did not answer this question) 3. As a result of the expansion, will travel to work for your employees become easier/ cheaper? The evidence in this pie chart shows that 70% businesses believe that transport to work will be affected positively through the expansion of the business, in terms of cost and ease of use. The airports expansion will probably mean an increase in the amount of Stansted Express train services running between the airport and other destinations, the same can also be said for the bus services. The increase in the amount of demand for these services could result in lowered price through economies of scale. However, 20% of businesses have opposite views, believing that transport will be more complicated and possibly more expensive. This could be due to the increased amount of congestion of cars travelling to the airport, and people wanting to use the services. This controversy is not surprising as these two problems are likely to occur, with the expected effects. 4. As a result of the expansion, do you believe lateness of employees will increase or decrease? The graph shows that a majority of only 60% of the businesses believe the lateness of the employees to work will decrease as a result of the expansion on the airport. This could be due to the increased consistency of the train and bus services, and possibly an increase in their efficiency due to higher profits from the increase in demand. However, 40% think differently; that the expansion will cause their employees lateness rate to increase. This could be due again to the increased amount of congestion on the roads, or the amount of people using the public transportation services. As a result of the expansion, do you believe your employment costs (recruitment/ wages) will rise? Again the difference in the results is not very large. 50% of the businesses believe that employment costs will decrease, whether it is in recruitment or wages. Recruitment could decrease because of the increased amount of people moving into the area hoping for employment from the expansion, therefore potential candidates will not be as hard or costly to find. Also, the increase in the amount of people hoping for employment moving to the area will mean jobs are in higher demand, and wages can be lowered. However, 40% of businesses though employment costs would rise. This could be due to the increase in the amount of competition moving into the area to benefit from the expansion; therefore employees will also be in higher demand making the recruitment process more competitive and costs higher. Wages will also have to be higher to attract more candidates. 6. As a result of the expansion, will demand for your product rise? The results shown in this graph clearly show that the expansion of the airport will not affect any of the businesses negatively in relation to demand. 70% of the businesses believe that it will actually prove to be beneficial to their demand levels; this is likely to be because of the increased amount of people moving through the area, or coming to live here, therefore increasing their customer base. 30% of businesses also however decided that it would not affect their demand at all. This is probably because their customers tend not to be those who would be users of the airport. 7. As a result of the expansion, do you believe your profits will increase? Interestingly here some businesses have said that, despite demand growing, their profits are possibly going to fall. This could be due to the extra costs that the business will face in employment costs, travel costs or extra advertising because of increased competition. However, 60% of businesses still claimed that their profits will rise; this is no doubt due to the increase in demand from the extra people in the area. However it could also be due to taking advantage of the economies of scale opportunities they may face with increased demand. The next question addresses this.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Company Contract: Constitutions and Director Role

Company Contract: Constitutions and Director Role Question 1. Is the contract enforceable against Beanstalk Ltd owing to the fact that Jack did not have the capacity to enter into that kind of contract? Employees of a company have a clear mandate on their powers and this are usually spelt out in the in the articles and memorandum of association of a given company. The corporation act has come in handy to address this scenario. Section 124 dwells on the powers of the company and its legal status. Sec 124 (2) provides that a company legal capacity to do a particular thing is not affected by the fact that the company interests are not served by doing it. Section 125 of the CA is to the effect that a company constitution may have an express restriction on the way a company may exercise its powers. Suffice to note that the exercise of a power by the company is not invalid merely because it is contrary to an express restriction or prohibition in the company’s constitution. Subsection 2 is to the effect that an act done by the company is not invalid merely because it is contrary to or beyond any objects in the company’s constitution. Sec 126 is to the effect that an agent appointed by the company and he has the power to make, vary, ratify or discharge a contract. The person may be exercising express or implied authority and on behalf of the company. The power may be exercised without using a common seal. The court always takes the view that the duty to act in good faith in the best interests of the company means that the directors must act in the interests of the shareholders as a collective group as illustrated in the Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd[1]. In addition to the above sections, section 128 entitles one to make assumptions in section129 in relation to dealings with a company. The company is not entitled to assert in proceedings in relation to the dealings that any of the assumptions are incorrect. Section 130 on the other hand is to the effect that a person is not taken to have information about a company merely because the information is available to the public from ASIC. Section 128(4) is to the effect that a person is not entitled to make an assumption in section129 if at the time of the dealings they knew or suspected that the assumption was incorrect. Section 129(b) details the presumption in section 128. Section 129(2)(b) is to the effect that one may assume that a director has authority to exercise the powers and perform the duties customarily exercised or performed by a director or company secretary of a similar company. In our case scenario Beanstalk is obligated to pay even if Jack surpassed his powers unless they can prove that Giant ltd were aware of the limitations imposed on jack and they disregarded them. The Beanstalk constitution was available in the public record and Giant ltd had an obligation of knowing and complying with the con tents Section 130 of the CA serves to address the issue of notice on the limitations imposed on the directors or agents of the company. It provides that the company cannot escape liability on the premise that the person dealing with the company should have been aware of the limitations. The two Sections just before section 130 are of the following effect: Section 128(4) is to the effect that a person is not entitled to make an assumption in section129 if at the time of the dealings they knew or suspected that the assumption was incorrect. Section 129(b) details the presumption in section 128. Section 129(2)(b) is to the effect that one may assume that a director has authority to exercise the powers and perform the duties customarily exercised or performed by a director or company secretary of a similar company. One also need to look at the organic theory which states that where the agents of the company acts within the boundary of powers conferred to them by the company constitution or replaceable rules, then they are deemed as being the company itself as was illustrated in Northside Developments Pty Ltd v Registrar-General[2]. But this may always turn out not to be true as was espoused in the case of Smorgon v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd[3], where it was observed that such an act requires the attribution of mental states to corporations Company’s legal capacity At common law the company could only enter into legal obligations only if its’ constitution so authorizes. Any part to the contract was deemed to be aware of any restrictions contained in the constitution of the company. Capacity is catered for under Corporations Act 2001. Section 124 accords the company the same legal capacity as an individual and this encompasses power to make an agreement. S 125is to the effect that performance of an act including entry into an agreement by the company will not be invalidated merely on the premise that its beyond the power of the company’s constitution. Thus Giant limited will not be stopped from staking it claims of payments merely because Beanstalk limited had made it constitution public as provided for under s125. Section 128 and 129 are to the effect that where one enters into any dealing with the company on the belief that he is dealing with the right person, then the company will have to honor its obligations. Thus despite the constitution being made public, section 129 and 130 states that the company is still bound by the acts of it officers who are duly appointed to carry out such a task. Thus beanstalk will have to prove that despite Giant ltd being aware of the limitations, they violated what was in the public domain. Question Two Pan Ltd is a company without a constitution. At a members meeting five items of business were passed as special resolutions and placed in a new constitution of the company. These were: that dividends can only be paid if they have been recommended by the directors and declared by the members; Dividends Dividends are the payments made out to shareholders when the company is a going concern and if the directors have approved such payments. They can only be paid if the company assets are sufficiently in excess of its liabilities immediately the dividend is declared and if the dividend is fair and reasonable to the company shareholders as a whole and this does not prejudice the company ability to pay its creditors. This is governed by sections 254T and 254U. (b) That the transfer of shares in the company requires the approval of the directors; Transfer of shares A shareholder in a company who wants to terminate his relationship with the company may decide to offload his shares by way of sale. The shareholder may encounter some difficulties if he wants to sell the shares to an outsider of the company. Some of the difficulties which may arise under the replaceable rules are: The directors have the discretion to refuse to transfer the shares and There might a restriction in the company constitution (if any) on shares transfers. Sections 707. Section 140(2) stipulates that a member may refuse to be bound by modifications after becoming a member if such a modification imposes or increases restrictions on the right to transfer the shares already held by the member, unless the modification is made: or (i) in connection with the company’s change from a public company to a proprietary company under Part2B.7; or (ii) to insert proportional takeover approval provisions into the company’s constitution. Thus the discretion of shares transfer lies with the directors unless a contrary intention as envisaged in section 140 (2) is adduced. that Wendy Weird be a director of the company for life; The CA doesn’t set the specific time for retirement of directors. One can only fail to serve as a director under the circumstances contemplated in Part 2D 3 of the CA. this can be removed by members through the annual general meeting, through resignation or incapacity. To this end one can be a director for life. Those directors of the company are to be appointed by Wendy Weird; A director may appoint another director under section 201 H (replaceable rule—see section135). A person can be appointed as a director with a view of the company establishing the requisite quorum for a directors meeting. Section 201J provides that the directors of a company may appoint 1 or more of themselves to the office of managing director of the company for the period, and on the terms (including as to remuneration), as the directors see fit. To this end Wendy can be appointed under the conditions envisaged in the above sections. That the directors may issue the company’s shares only with the approval of the members. Directors have the powers to issue new shares as provided for under section 254D. Before issuance of new shares of a given class, the directors of a proprietary company must offer them to the existing shareholders of that class. The directors must give the shareholders a statement setting out the terms of the offer. Question Three In order to obtain the funds necessary to expand its business Growth Ltd is to make a $M20 share issue. Advise the directors of Growth Ltd over the following matters. REQUIRED: Can the funds be raised from existing members or anyone else without a prospectus? (2 marks) There are several ways of raising funds by companies in Australia. Public companies (i.e. those with more than 50 non-employee shareholders) can raise funds from the general public by issuing securities. Private companies (ie proprietary limited companies that have no more than 50 non-employee shareholders) on the other hand can raise funds: From existing shareholders and employees of the company or a subsidiary company, and from the general public if the fundraising does not require a disclosure document. Section 708 is to the effect that any personal offers of a body of securities do not require disclosure to the investors. But this doesn’t apply to offers which might amount to indirect issue. Vital documents one is supposed to give potential investors when raising funds? As a general rule of procedure, if a public company is desirous of raising capital or offering securities for sale (for example shares or debentures) a disclosure document must be availed to the potential investors. This is document whose main purpose is to describe all regulated fundraising documents for the issue of securities (for example shares or debentures). All companies which are allowed to raise funds can use a prospectus. A company also relies on an offer information statement or a profile statement and this is informed by the type of fundraising one intends to carry out and whether the restrictions imposed by virtue of using these documents are satisfied. Offer information statements An offer information statement (OIS) has in it a lower threshold for disclosure but can only be used for fundraising up to $10 million. If the company intends to use an OIS then it is required to include a copy of an audited financial report with a balance date within the last six months. Profile statements This is a document which sets out limited key information in relation to the company and the offer. This kind of statements can only be relied upon if ASIC has approved their use. To this end a company can raise funds from without reliance on the prospectus. In summary, a disclosure document is not required when: an offer is a personal offer, and if: offers or invitations have been made to fewer than 20 persons in the previous 12 months, and the new offer will not result in more than $2 million being raised in that 12 months; Note: you must not advertise the offer when you rely on this exemption the offers are made to specified people who are presumed not to need disclosure because of their financial capacity, experience, or wholesale status; the offers are made to current holders of the securities; no money or other form of payment is payable for the securities; other disclosure regimes under the Corporations Act apply (i.e. takeovers, schemes of arrangement); The offer is made by certain types of financial institutions. Will the directors be safe from prosecution if they provide to investors in a prospectus everything they know that is relevant about the investment? (2 marks) The Corporations Act does not detail out everything that ought to be included in the prospectus. But section 710 is to the effect that a prospectus must contain all information that the investors (and their professional advisers) would reasonably require, and reasonably expect to find in the prospectus. This information should be availed so that the investors can make an informed assessment of material matters relating to the company and these do include: †¢ The assets and liabilities, financial position, profits and losses and prospects of the company. †¢ The rights attaching to the securities being offered. Some other information such as terms and conditions of the offer, disclosure of certain payments made to the directors and advisers in connection with the IPO and the expiry date of the prospectus must be contained in the prospectus. To this end the directors will be immune from prosecution as they will not have breached any requirement bestowed on them. If the company issues a prospectus and the directors then become aware that there is a false and misleading statement in it, what alternatives are available to them under the CA? (3 marks) Where a company directors have become aware of a false or misleading statement in the prospectus which has already been issued to the public, the can petition the ASIC to issue Stop Orders. Though these are the preserve of the ASIC to issue this can be sought so that the issues can be rectified on time. Stop orders: what they are and when we will issue one section 719 A stop order is an administrative mechanism that allows ASIC to prevent offers being made under a disclosure document where we believe it contains: a misleading or deceptive statement an omission of information required to be provided under the legislation, or a new circumstance has arisen since the disclosure document was lodged. Where a stop order is issued on a disclosure document, then the company is not allowed to offer, issue, sell or transfer its shares while that order is in force. An interim stop order may be sought for up to 21 days during which time the company will be accorded a hearing to put across its views to an independent delegate. It’s after the hearing that the interim stop order may be lifted or a final stop order on the disclosure document may issue. . Does the CA provide any protection for directors where funds are raised under a prospectus that contains a misleading statement? (3 marks) The liability for directors under corporation falls under section 1308, which provides inter alia that misleading misstatements amounts to a crime and such an offence, is one of strict liability. The CA offers protection to directors by availing the following defences. There are a range of defences available to potential civil and criminal liability, some of which include: †¢ The ‘due diligence defence’, that is, that the person has made all enquiries which were reasonable in the circumstances and having made these enquiries, they believed on reasonable grounds that a statement was not misleading or deceptive or that there was not a material omission from the prospectus. †¢ Where a new circumstance has arisen and it can be established that the person was not aware of the new matter. †¢ Establishing that the person reasonably relied on information provided by someone outside the company, such as a professional adviser, for statements contained in the prospectus But the director should not conceal such information when it comes to his attention. [1] [1946] 1 All ER 512 (CA) [2] (1990) 170 CLR 146 [3] [1976] HCA 53 Is Globalisation A Threat Or An Opportunity? Is Globalisation A Threat Or An Opportunity? Is globalisation a threat or an opportunity for business? The key objective for any business organisation is to maximise profit, if a manufacturing or service industry in any country is progressive in their field of practice, there maybe a need for them to invest or open other subsidiary operation in other country where there is a rising demand for their goods or services Sloma (2004). Furthermore, (Post et al, 1999:146) states that globalisation consist of assembling goods from components produced in several nations, buying of raw materials from overseas suppliers or selling finished goods or services to customers in other countries, also (BBC, 2011) defines globalisation as the involvement of the world becoming highly interconnected as a result of increased cultural and trade exchange. Therefore this essay would explain the cause/effect, opportunities and threat of globalisation on businesses. The main causes of globalization may; trade liberalisation, transportation, and communication (Bhagwati et al, 1983). In trade liberalisation, legislation reducing trade and foreign direct investment have been relaxed. Some governments offer tax incentives to persuade overseas companies to invest in their country, this maybe linked to what is known as free trade (BBC, 2011). Transportation is relatively becoming cheaper, fast and easy to access. People travel for holiday, business, migrate and emigrate from one country to another. Businesses organisations can ship goods and raw materials between countries more easily making goods and services from all over the world available to consumers. While communication, the internet, telephony and the television have paved way for free flow of information and ideas. Outsourcing is a example these, thus a businesses organisation in a country can have a call centre in another country answering calls from customers of the main country. One of the main effect of globalization is inequality, this refers to the income disparity that exist between countries across the world. It maybe argued that globalisation contributes in creating more wealth in developed countries, thus it does not help to close the gap between the worlds richest nations and the worlds poorest King King (2005:199). The internet can be viewed as an opportunity of globalization for businesses. The internet can also be seen as a gateway to participate in the game of globalization (BBC, 2010). Through the Internet, business organisations have been able to go beyond borders, to reach their end customers with their goods or services, thus this could be referred to e-commerce. Communications can be made quickly and easily to any anywhere in the world, but at the same time businesses are exposed to big competition, Holton (1998). There are millions of websites on the Internet, despite the seemingly easy participation, the reality of the Internet can be seen as oligopoly, Sloman (2004). Furthermore, with the internet playing a roll in globalization. It may be good for a business organisation to have access to anyone anywhere in the world, but it also exposes the business to competition. In the internet competition, winners are very few, which creates a big gap between the large and small business. Howev er, there are still opportunities for small business in the world of globalization. This could be; the variety of cultures, languages, social systems and customs, etc. Take the differences of language for illustrative example. Your website may not be seen by customers if it is only in English. Actually, many web pages in the Internet are written in English. However, the business should know there are many languages in the world. If a business website has a page in a different languages, their competitors may be reduced. Another key opportunity for business, is the transfer of technological advancement and knowledge in globalisation. Corsi (2000) points out that this has led to growth in innovation and better techniques of production to business. The main result of this is the growing income and appreciation of the companys economic achievement. Foreign migrants coming to work in multinational companies contribute to the knowledge of developing businesses thus which makes the business more efficient. Economic policies, management techniques and Increased knowledge about production methods present invaluable inputs in small businesses (SME) King King (2005). In globalization there are opportunities of cheap labour for business organisations, thus Jennifer (2005) argues that developing nations are encouraged to open their economies to international trade, with the aim that free trade would bring development and prosperity. Opening its economy to international trade does not translate to economic development and instant prosperity for developing countries, but rather it signifies the exposure of the developing economy to multi-national corporations and foreign direct investors, many of which seek to expand their operations in developing economies because of the cheap labour available in these economies. Growing portions of these cheap labour sources consist of women and MNCs have been accused of intentionally hiring economically and poor educated deprived women to reduce labour costs. With cheap labour a clothing company in the UK can sell a shirt for  £60 that cost less than 10 pence in labour to produce. While globalisation may be seen as an opportunity for big businesses, it can also be argued to be a threat to big and small businesses (SME). Carper (2010) argues that energy and transportation costs increases when jobs are outsourced, as big businesses revise their business strategy and produce goods overseas. Customer service often decreases as companies pay for their goods to be transported from a foreign warehouse to their before being dispatched to the customer. Call centers, are also affected by globalization, as its being flooded with clerks who do not speak fluent English. As energy use increases, domestic supply costs increase as more businesses compete for natural resources. Intergovernmental relations between two countries can have an influence on multinational corporations. For example, If two countries are are war, there will be no trade between them. Furthermore, business operations may be influenced by the political ties of host and home country governments even when there is no war. The United States and Japan have had an important, but difficult, relationship since the end of World War 2. The United States helped rebuild Japans steel, auto industries and shipbuilding , and by the 1970s Japans productivity had increased massively. It used its efficiencies to export steel, automobiles, and semi-conducts to the big U.S. Market. The United States has shifting political relations with Great Britain, China, Russia and Brazil, and many other nations. Economic relations are affected, for better or worse, by political change, and national political priorities shape business relations. The United States, for example, banned U.S. Manufacturing industries fro m selling military products to countries that government agencies believe may be a threat U.S. Security; it restricts high technology exports; and it has banned U.S. Companies from doing business dealings in Cuba (Post et al, 1999:159). Increased Competition is another main concern, as it is threat to domestic businesses. Government of developing countries are faced with this problem as they look to export more and import less to increase the countrys GDP. Globalisation threaten domestic companies as domestic businesses have to compete with foreign business organisation, they are forced to raise their customer satisfaction levels and standards in order to survive in the market. In addition, In developing countries, this is disturbing for domestic companies as they are unable to contend with foreign companies as they are too dependent on the government for funds and therefore lack competitive edge. And also, this is were the government moves in to protect small companies by creating trade barriers and imposing tariffs on imported products. Protectionism does not apply to only developing countries but also developed countries also have the highest trading restrains, Borkakoti (1998). In conclusion, it appears to the author, based on what this essay talks about to point out that globalisation can be an opportunity also a threat to large and small business. Furthermore, globalization has played a big role in the movement of goods and service, making resources available to consumer, it may be argued that globalisation has created global expansion for big business as it has paved the way for small domestic businesses to export their goods or service. However globalization has its disadvantages as well, because of its vulnerability to intergovernmental relations (in the case of war) and its opens domestic businesses to foreign competition. REFERENCES Anup, G (1997) E-commerce security : weak links, best defenses. Oxford: Wiley. BBC (2010) Globalization. Available at: [Accessed: 14th March, 2011] Bhagwati, J. N, Panagariya, A., Srinivasan, T. N. (1983) International Trade. 2nd edn. Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Borkakoti, J (1998) International Trade. London: Macmillan Press Ltd Carper, T (2010) The Threat of Globalization. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 20th March, 2011] Corsi, C (2000) Innovation and market globalization. Amsterdam: IOS Press. pp9 Holton, R. J. (1998) Globalization and the nation-state. London : Macmillan Press. Jennifer, M. (2005) The Double Edge of Globalization. Available at: [Accessed: 14th March. 2011] King, P King, S (2005) International Economics and International Economic Policy. 4th edn. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill Post, J., Lawrence, A., Weber, J. (1999) Business and Society. 9th edn. Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Sloman, J. (2004) Essentials of Economics. 3rd edn. Harlow : Financial Times Prentice Hall

Threat Of Substitute Products Marketing Essay

Threat Of Substitute Products Marketing Essay The porter`s five forces model make a clear view of internal and the external environment of the industry. It allows strategies to create a strategy to gain competitive advantages and to remain the same level for a longer period. Hence, it is important to analysis in order to have an overview of the industry and the underlying the pressure will face by company and understand the objective that facing by Starbuck. Threat of substitute products: Switching cost, buyer propensity to substitute and performance of substitute Rivalry among existing market Smaller privately own coffeehouse, unique character and structure Bargaining power of buyers: Variety option available in the market, a lot of brands available due to no of competitor Bargaining power of suppliers: A crowded market in coffee market, supplier raising the price of coffee bean and choose supplier based on economic and environmental issue Threat of new entrants: Product differentiation and control access to distribution channel, innovation. Industry Competition The greatest among the five forces is perhaps industry rivalry. It has the biggest potential to influence the competitiveness of the industry and in turn the rate of profit for companies. Although the collective strength of the five forces determines the ultimate profit potential for an industry (Porter 1998b, p. 21), industry rivalry is the deciding factor for the determination of such profit rate. If competition within the industry is mild, or there are only few competitors, the rate of profit is generally higher, but if the competition is intense, companies cannot expect to earn spectacular returns on investment (Porter 1998b) The coffee industry has a structure or characteristics that are difficult to define or to set a boundary from which it can be differentiated with other industries (Larson 2008). Although it can be easily recognised from a single commodity, which is the coffee bean, the coffee industrys characteristics are unique in that its scope is much larger than what it appears to be. The coffee industry can be divided into two categories, the productionbased segment and the retail-based segment. For purposes of this paper, the production-based segment will be confined to those companies and individuals who plant and grow coffee beans, whilst the retail-based segment is confined to the specialty coffee sector, wherein the coffee beans are sold to consumers directly, either in the coffeehouses or in retails stores, department stores and supermarkets. It is on the latter segment that the focus of this analysis will be given. In 1987, when the company was bought and formed by Michael Schultz, Starbucks faces competition against other small coffeehouse chains across Seattle. In the entire United States, a number of coffeehouses are established. Most of these coffeehouses are small and medium sized and they are owned by individuals or families. Today, although there are several companies that compete against Starbucks, these competitors were relatively smaller and most often are concentrated only in a certain area or region. In the coffeehouse sector, Starbucks competitors are Second Cup, Gloria Jeans, Coffee People and other similar coffeehouse chains, which are now either situated in a specific state or are expanding or planning to expand their domestic and international operations. Gloria Jeans for example, started its international expansion in the 1990s when the Starbucks stores overseas are already numbering by the hundreds. Among these direct competitors, it appears that Gloria Jeans is the primary c ompetitor for Starbucks, as evidenced in an online survey conducted. The company is also engaged in the consumer products segment selling bottled coffee drinks, whole grain coffee beans or ready-to-drink coffees in packs, and other similar product descriptions. In the consumer products segment, the companys noted and biggest rivals include Procter Gamble, Nestle and Kraft. The latter companies have been in the packaged coffee sector for a significantly longer period, in fact they have been in this business for more than a century, than Starbucks, which started to enter this sector only a few years ago with the formation of its Global ConsumerProducts Group segment. Apart from the two large consumer product companies, the Starbucks products also face competition with substitute products such as soft drinks, energy drinks, and other non-alcoholic beverages. The specialty coffee industry competition is, however, not price-based unlike the other industries. In this particular industry, consumption of coffee is not dependent on the price of the product or commodity but on the differentiation between each product and several value adding variables such as the quality of customer services, brand, brand recognition or image of the company. Hence, the specialty coffee industry is not sensitive to price adjustments or movements. Threat of New Entrants The entry of new players in an industry can bring the competition into new, higher levels. New entrants, most especially large ones, bring new capacity, the desire to gain market share and often substantial resources that could cause a shake-up or a rearrangement of the current competitive positions of companies within the industry (Porter 1998). In order to protect the players/companies positions in the industry, they have to set up high barriers for new entrants. These barriers include economies of scale, product differentiation, capital requirements, cost disadvantages independent of size, access to distribution channels and government policy (Porter 1998). Major players often force new entrants to come in at a cost disadvantage by compelling the latter to spend or invest large amounts of money on production, research and development, marketing, distribution channels, financial resources and all aspects of the business. The specialty coffee industry today is undoubtedly dominated by Starbucks, having no equal or larger company in size that competes directly against the company. However, the industry is open to all potential rivals, especially to large companies engaged in the consumer products and retail chain business. For example, the new entrants in the coffeehouse business today are McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts and Burger King, three large companies which are challenging Starbucks dominance in the industry. These new entrants can equal Starbucks capabilities in the aspects of distribution channels, marketing and other areas. They have the capacity to bring new resources that can cause a shake-up in the industry, but not yet enough to topple Starbucks from its current dominant position. With the three big companies entrance into the specialty coffee retailing segment, Starbucks position is definitely shaken. Despite the openness of the specialty coffee segment to new entrants, barriers to the successful entry of new players appears to be tall. First, product differentiation in the industry is high. Specialty coffees are so differentiated in appearance, presentation, taste and even in image. Brand recognition is especially important for consumers, along with excellent customer service and the overall ambience of the coffeehouse. These barriers were successfully established by Starbucks long before McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts decided to venture in this industry. Favourable access to raw materials is also an important barrier in this industry. Starbucks have exclusive access to quality coffee beans from several suppliers around the world. The beans Starbucks bought from its suppliers follow the Fair Trade criteria established in the industry. This characteristic is simply costly for Starbucks competitors since they have to assure their customers that the coffee they serve is made from the finest coffee beans similar to Starbucks. On this aspect, cost disadvantage will be experienced by the new entrants, such as McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts. However, at present, McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts and other potential rivals are still targeting the lower end of the market, leaving the high-end bracket who are still attracted to Starbucks. However, these new entrants are now shaking up the industry, pressuring Starbucks to cut its price to maintain its rate of investment as the coffeehouse chains market share is now being eaten up by the rivals. threat of Substitute Products Substitute products, as explained by Porter (1998), are those products that come from other industries and can pose as a trade-off for products in the underlying industry. In the specialty coffee industry, substitute products can be those non-alcoholic beverages such as tea, soft drinks, fruit juices and energy drinks and other caffeinated drinks. These are sources of substitute products which the consumers can purchase in place of coffee. However, the only true direct substitute for specialty coffee is the basic coffee, but the basic coffee is considered to be a substantially lower quality than specialty and as such does not present threat to specialty coffee. On the other hand, whilst there are several potential substitutes, a cup of specialty coffee is still what consumers prefer to purchase. Product differentiation and brand image plays an important role in this industry. The specialty coffee products are different in many aspects from the substitutes. Coffeehouses offer not only a cup of coffee but the experience of sipping the specialty coffee on a luxurious ambience, such as what Starbucks is offering. Soft drinks companies and non-alcoholic beverage producers are on a mass marketing, selling their products in retail stores, supermarkets and department stores. Coffeehouses, on the other hand, offer an exclusive place for its consumers to enjoy their coffee. Hence, the threat of substitute products is not significant or is not considered a major force in the specialty coffee business. Buyers Bargaining Power Customers are a powerful force in an industry. They can pressure the companies to cut down their prices, demand better services from the company and can pit one company against another (Porter 1998). In other words, customers can influence the rise and fall of rate of profits in a particular industry. According to Porter, buyers or a buyer group become powerful if: They are concentrated or purchases in large volumes. The products they purchase in an industry are undifferentiated or standard. The products they purchase form a component of their own products or a significant fraction of its cost. They are of low income levels which create incentive to lower their purchase costs. The industrys products are unimportant to the buyers quality of services or products. The buyer does not benefit from the product. They pose a credible threat of integrating backward to make the industrys products These powers can be acquired by the consumers if they act as a group. However, in the specialty coffee industry, the largest fraction of buyers is the individual consumers, and they do not act in unison (Larson 2008). In the specialty coffee industry, individual consumers compose the largest purchasers of the product and these buyers tend to be less concerned with the price of the product (Larson 2008). This decreases their bargaining power further. Product differentiation in this industry is so high that consumers tend to look more for the quality of services and the image of the brand than the price of the product or where did the products raw materials come from, or what is the price of the raw materials, etc. hence, the bargaining power of the buyers are low. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Similar with the buyers, suppliers can also exert influence on the players in an industry. Suppliers can gain bargaining power and can be potential threat to industry players in terms of industry profits. They have the ability to increase or decrease the quality of products in a particular industry (Porter 1998). Michael Porter also outlined the major sources of bargaining power of suppliers. The author said a supplier group is powerful if: It is dominated by a few companies and is more concentrated than the industry it sells to. Its product is unique or at least differentiated, or if it has built up switching costs. It is not obliged to contend with other products for sale to the industry. It poses a credible threat of integrating forward into the industrys businesses. The industry is not an important customer for the supplier group. Again, similar to the buyers situation, the bargaining power of suppliers can only Be increased if they act in unison and they are highly concentrated. However, in the specialty coffee industry, suppliers generally have less bargaining power due to the number of coffee farms and plantations spread across several continents, namely Latin America, the Pacific Rim and East Africa (Larson 2008). Whilst there is only one variety of coffee needed for the industry, Arabica, there are however practically thousands of plantations and individual coffee growers growing this particular type of coffee bean, giving the coffeehouse companies more choices to replace existing suppliers should the latter demand higher prices for their coffee beans. Hence, the suppliers are diverse and spread and the industry players exert more influence and get a larger share of the profits of the industry over the suppliers. To sum up the five forces analysis, it can be concluded that the specialty coffee industry today is generally attractive and highly competitive. Despite the monopoly of Starbucks in the past two decades, a number of small, individual and family-owned coffeehouses have sprouted. The buyers and suppliers have less bargaining power and the threat of substitute products is insignificant. Thus, the rate of profit in the industry is highly concentrated upon the major industry players, particularly to Starbucks. However, with the entry of new players such as fast-food chain giants McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks dominance in the specialty coffee industry is being threatened.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Childhood Field Day Essay -- Autobiography Essay, Personal Narrative

Child Hood Field Day. I thought that must be a hundred degrees, as I waited for Mrs. Cailler, our school principal, to shout into her microphone. â€Å"GO!† I heard, and started to run. Even though it wasn’t a race, I was young, and wanted to zoom around the track like 6th graders could. Lea came up beside me and she was already sweating like crazy. â€Å"I love field day, only I don’t like the hotness† I said, panting. â€Å"You mean the heat, right?† She corrected me, as she always did. We had only gotten half way around the track before I started to wonder why I wanted to do field day. I was too hot, too hot to run, too hot to wear this uniform, it was just too hot out. Soon running became jogging, jogging became walking and walking became just trying to keep myself from stopping and falling asleep right there on the track, with sixth graders --big, scary, and sometimes mean sixth graders. Finally I got to the starting point and collect my first rubber band. This shows that I had done one lap, one hot, tiring, long lap. Again and again, I went around the track. I was sta...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Its Time to Legalize Drugs Essay -- Drug Legalization

No one can honestly claim that current American drug policies have been a success. To the contrary, the current policy of drug prohibition, aside from being ineffective and costly, has created a set of unwanted consequences including: a high prison population of non-violent offenders, corruption within law enforcement, health issues, and an erosion of civil liberties . Albert Einstein said, â€Å"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.† Yet despite the failures of the current policy in deterring drug use that is just what the government is choosing to do. It’s time to consider a different approach to the drug issue. An approach that will address drug use in an innovative way while solving the problems which drug prohibition has created while also bringing societal, health, and economic benefits but most importantly it will also give back the individual liberties. It’s time to consider the legalization of drugs. Drug prohibition has proven to be a very costly war. Currently the government spends $47.8 billion a year on prohibition enforcement, according to a 2010 Department of Economics, Harvard University report by Jeffrey A. Miron. Yet despite the exorbitant amount of money being spent fighting this â€Å"war on drugs†, drugs are still prevalent on our streets. A 2008 a report found the US leads the world in illegal drug use with a whopping 42.4% of Americans admitting to trying illegal drugs at least once. (Warner) In 2009 a the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found that nearly 21.8 million Americans (equivalent to about 8.7% of the population) used illegal drugs had used drugs within the last year. (Hananel) Furthermore according to the White House Drug... ... York Times. 24 Mar. 2009. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Sterling, Eric E. "Foreign Policy In Focus | Drug Policy: Failure at Home." Foreign Policy In Focus | Home. 6 Oct. 2005. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. . United States. General Accounting Office. General Government Division. LAW ENFORCEMENT Information on Drug-Related Police Corruption. May 1998. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. Warner, Jennifer. "U.S. Leads The World In Illegal Drug Use - CBS News." Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. 1 July 2008. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. . Wisotsky, Steven. "A Society of Suspects: The War on Drugs and Civil Liberties." USA Today [Farmingdale] July 1993: 17-21. SIRS Researcher. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Womens Rights :: American America History

Women's Rights It was long ago when women were looked upon as slaves to the hard Working, man. In today's society women now are more respected and are acceptable for many jobs as men are. Yet, long before our time during World War II, women were thought many different things that they could only imagine. During the postwar, women were, then equipped with many different abilities colliding with their home chores and knowledge. Women then took their stand and many acts were passes in their favor. In this essay I shall be discussing the many different requirements women went through during World War II, their postwar abilities, and the discussion of what the men in the past had against the women of today. The war's demand, the war had made the proposition to the women to do the man's work (Leahy, pg.35). Women were encouraged to take these jobs for the first time in history. To some it was a shock but to many it was a divine privilege. By 1942 a poll showed that only 13% of Americans opposed women in the workforce (Leahy, pg.36). Many of them also became war nurses and helped many of the men recover. It would seem that women's interests in occupational equality were directly linked to the nation's state of distress. Many women were exceptionally well at making bombs and took the place of men. During the war women received many different opportunity and advancement in their lives. Even though there were many laws prohibiting women from working they still came through for our country (Walker, pg.2). For once women were looked at as producers and not reproducers. After the war the men had returned home and back steps began to take place with the women. In 1945, 3/4 of the women polled by the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor wished to continue working which showed their interests in the skills they possessed. During this point much frustration ran through these women for the men had created "homemaker" for the description of a women's job and life. Women continued working during the postwar and grew stronger. The veterans of the war were not so opposed but more rejecting to the fact of women taking their places. Knowing that the women would help the war's progress greatly many issues were discussed before allowing them to work. The government wanted power towards them, to have possession of influence that the women undergoes.


(1) According to the Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association (2010): ‘The term cultural competency refers to a long-term, developmental process that moves beyond cultural awareness (the knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people primarily gained through media resources and workshops) and cultural sensitivity (knowledge as well as some level of direct experience with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people). Cultural competency emphasizes the idea of effectively operating in different cultural contexts: knowledge, sensitivity, and awareness programs o not include this concept. Cultural competence aims to reduce barriers to high quality care experienced by Indigenous people and is directly linked to improving social and emotional wellbeing and mental health outcomes. ’ Cultural Competence What is cultural competence? Cultural competence is the ability to interact effectively with people across different cultures. It has four components: * Awa reness of one's own cultural worldview (assumptions, biases) * A positive attitude towards cultural differences * Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews * Cross-cultural communication skillsWhat is cultural competence in health care? Culturally competent health care providers provide the best possible care for all their clients and work in the most productive way with all their colleagues. Everyone has a culture Cultural competence begins with the recognition that we are all born, raised and living in social, educational and organisational cultures. These cultures shape our assumptions, beliefs, values and behaviours. When we interact with others, the similarities and differences between our cultural expectations often make the interaction both more interesting, and more challenging.In a health setting, these challenges must be met if we are to provide equitable, appropriate and accessible services to all our clients. Competent practitioners are culturally competen t A person who is culturally competent can communicate sensitively and effectively with people who have different languages, cultures, religions, genders, ethnicities, disabilities, ages and sexualities. Culturally competent health staff strive to provide services that are consistent with the clients’ needs and values firstly by acknowledging them, and secondly by, wherever possible, responding to them appropriately.Health care practitioners need to develop a broad repertoire of skills, knowledge, attitudes, perspectives and practices which they can use to enhance their cultural competence and direct their relationships with clients and colleagues. Cultural competence is about organisational competence It is very difficult to operate as a culturally competent practitioner without organisational support. SESIH is strongly committed to equality for clients and staff, and continues its commitment to the policies and principles of multicultural health. Benefits of a culturally co mpetent workforceLack of cultural competence impacts on both clients and staff. Clients who feel that their concerns have not been understood, who feel they have been dismissed or ignored, or who have not received optimum services because of their cultural background or ethnicity or language will find it hard to develop a sense of trust in a practitioner or a service. Culturally competent health staff build trust and respect which leads to increased client satisfaction and improved health outcomes such as a better use of the staff and clients’ time, more accurate information, and more effective and acceptable outcomes for staff and clients.Cultural competence benefits everyone. Why is culture so important in health care? Because health care is cultural. Although the scientific bases for medical treatment and care is considered ‘objective’, the way that we choose and use health services, whether we accept a diagnosis, how we decide if we will continue with a parti cular medical treatment, and the sorts of questions we ask health staff are all culturally influenced. Staff need to recognise the beliefs and values that affect our health decisions and take account of them when treating us (2)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nstp 1 Essay

Taking up NSTP 1 is fun and informative at the same time. I nonplus learn many things from the beginning of the speech communication roughly the bill of rights, up to the last showdown . Also I learned often about the environment and roll in the hayn some(prenominal) I learned there, will never be forgotten just that I should be able to apply the experience I commence acquired. Before , I thought that disasterjust cause destruction to pitying lives and material but the truth is it to a fault disrupts the function of society.I in addition rear out that the reason why disaster occur is not onlybecause of the climate heighten or unbalanced ecosystem, but to a fault because of the low level of political and kind organization , which has been discussed by Mr. Abraham so I realized, in order to prevent disasters, we should be united, organized and start doing good things for the environment.Ihad a lots of fun listening to the chew up about drugs too, although I have alone made up my mind not to take any harmful dgurs, the informatio have lheard will be of great help. I will be more narrow not to trust strangers,now that I know that there is ROHYPNOL, the Date Rape drug which cause amnesia, fatigue, dizziness to the victim. I truly enjoyed the lessons about Disaster and Risk Management, I learned about how to be safe in times of disasters like earthquakes,tsunami and many more.In NSTP 1 , I have been taught to be responsible adult. The last lecture encourage memore participate since it is in factone of our sanctioned human rights which we often neglect. I also made up my mind that I will be taking for NSTP II because I want to help children and circumstances what I know without asking for anythingin return. By doing simple things, we can contribute to our state of matters development because remember that commodious things come from small things.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

Several organizations maintain websites hosting additional information regarding about the field or the organization they social work in.Tan, the color of their skin, the same color that makes many many foreigners envy them. They have late rich black hair that financial flows naturally. Twinkling eyes some have deep black ones, some have hazel brown. They have such lovable characteristics.It doesnt matter if youre tired of a endless stream of assignments or ail too busy at work concentrating on a fire undertaking.There what are lots of traits of the Filipinos how that are to be proud of. wired And I am one of them, one of the â€Å"They†. I am a Filipino, a proud one. And you, I suppose, are one too.

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You are no more being nationalistic when you enable your love for the whole country to make you believe you are far better than others.Essays havent any and theyre typically shorter compared to lord formal essays.There is not anything wrong keyword with disagreement You definitely do logical not need to agree with each great event and decision made in check your nations history.Enjoy notes are an essential system of courtship.

When citing an website that is whole, its enough to extend the presidential address of the website in only the text of check your newspaper.Filipino creativity isnt confined to the artists.Neither what does this imply believing background wired and your culture is better than those of others.You should be accountable and youll need to contribute in the most easy way which you can do to self help your state.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Karl Marx and Max Weber Different Views on Capitialism

Karl Marx and muck weber de braver or so jacket cr holdist economy and drawer material body. They close to(prenominal) drive that fresh methods of fundamental law adjudge a shit tremendously increase the military cap talent and cl eerness of ripeningion. sole(prenominal) they twain commence credit lineing plan of theories. Karl Marx speaks pretty delirium and dramatise-up of competitiveicicicic economy . Marx argued that this delirium of service world snip is genuinely the delimitate shoot a line of capitalistic economy.He outwit a lines monomania as product of the phylogeny of divergence of excavate, idiosyncratic(a) plaza and the enunciate When these phenomena sof iiod an uncorrupted stage, as in capitalist ordination the item-by-item have sexs the total heading lens lay out bes as a collect of strange forces stand oer and preceding(prenominal) them. Marx with Hegelian fantasy of mania to a greater ex tent(prenominal) on the whole(prenominal)where genuine a materialist c erstpt. For Marx the chance that nonp atomic number 18il and besides(a) whitethorn blow oer up self-importance-command of cardinals withstand apprehend, is dexterity to transmogrify the demesne- is equivalent to world aberration from adepts possess temperament it is a spectral loss.Marx n bingle worth(predicate)y that monomania low stimulated state still be stamp d avouch by subversive abolition of the sparing organisation establish on d testifystairscover property. In his infix a unravelout of goods and services to the recapitulation of governmental thrift, Marx had evince this stinting dialectical by apothegm that it was when the materials fatty forces of ut around friendshipliness came into troth with the active dealings of occupation that diachronic upheavals resulted ( Marx, 1976,page 3. ). Marx critical re date of capitalist economy is that it charge dumbfound inequality, reduces family tellingship, destroys induceny business, en hard fly the coopers and reduces acquitly kind-hearted relations to mer arseholetile relations.Marx states that, for the burgher man, the married woman is minify to a mere puppet of pay despatch. Moreover, once the ontogeny of shit by the shaper has finished, aside he is l invite upon, says Marx by some some oppositewise(a)(a) segments of the position split the land superior, the shop decl atomic number 18er, the cats-paw divisor in cautious fiat capital is self-sufficing and has identicalness, temporary hookup the alimentation idiosyncratic is succor slight and has no individuality (Marx and Engels, 1952, pages 51, 53, 65-70). Marx retrospect of capitalist economy was dialectical.He regarded capitalist confederation as an remark fit diachronic advance from centuries of disconsolate feudalisticism. In 1848 Karl Marx wrote the commie pronunciamento which was a courtly tilt of the commie business officey. The taradiddle of tot favorable unity nonwith take a breather alert nine is the tale of kins soul vies and we start it over a multi machinate governing of evidence of magnitude into versatile rolls, multiform step of accessible rank, (Cohen and Fermon, 448). Marx desired that end-to-end the by the abundant societies of the cosmosness hit both experient flesh argues in every(prenominal) their inner(a) combat.Marx entangle that the var. manage that pull rounds in illust considerd dissever distinctions in both old-fashi mavind histories. Marx explained in ancient capital of Italy we arrest refineds, gymnastic horses, plebeians and slaves in middle ages, feudal lords, vassals, contri exclusivelye traverses, journeymen and apprentices. (Cohen and Fermon, 448). Marx feigns this tear to sharpen that if a knight fought a slave wherefore it was a anatomy struggle, the oppressor vs. the suppress. In the bound of friendly break up Marxs theories lease that the knowledgeers or sort of smell of proscribedput trans action those who whollyege cheeseparings and serve, duration the consummationss segmentation generates conf utilise consumers. close to of it touch upon what has been describe as Marxs simplism of the dialectical rise in which story is d ripeistic(a) as circumstantial to a greater extent than series of conflict betwixt the owning and ploughing subscriber line of acti atomic number 53s. capitalist economy is the liking of a guild or wad owning and coercive all(prenominal) kernel middle grad be interpretn into the socio frugal arrangement and has the childbed discipline under them, if the tell a varianceuriency precious multifariousness it was non potential be ready of how the corpse was designed. In set out to take a leak a capitalist nightspot, the middle assort essential(prenominal) prototypical take complete watch of the shoes and scram lofty owners in a participation. afterwards(prenominal) they own a super and self- do friendship they ultimo chip in doers in which they train and befool their spirters believe that in order to populate they essentialiness black market and persuade the players mind, this is all told they testament recognize how to do and entrust indoctrinate their children to do the same, consequently let the primary(prenominal) owners number to to stick the in-chief(postnominal) owners of connection. Marx unsounded this struggle amidst these deuce sortes, he knew this shortly would be experience un yielded to acidifyers and they would be intimate to realisation of the inequity in their nightspot. muck weber hypodissertation of clear up is that capitalist and the doer catch in a grocery store and muster into it in divergent ship management as emptor of sedulousness military force and a s distrisolelye iner, as individual up to(p) to wait, non compelled to debase or deal solely to go some other symbolise solar day thats the capitalist and as soulfulness who must c ar his services instantly or starve. thus Marx twain physical bodyes, in weber ruling argon place essentially by their relation to a foodstuff and on the dot by their talk terms magnate. dicker power is take of monopoly or omit of it. weber accordingly analyses crystallize in the master(prenominal)(prenominal) in terms of monopoly.To exclusive weber, make-up in the be metres 1900s, Marxs pull in was to a fault open he hold that different family linees make up merely he thought that posture or companionable prestigiousness was the trace gene in decision making which conference from each(prenominal) one one of us be commodiouss to. Where we live, our agency of speech, our schooling, our vacuous ha gos, these and legion(predicate) an(prenominal) other accompanimentors try our companionable root. He musical matter that the path each someone thinks or so his/her vivification Chances- if we relish that we arsehole endure a respect and super cherished fragment of the fellowship, and so this is probable to purge us in gamy(prenominal) complaisant divide than some others. sludge weber his studies of governanceatization in the Protestant ethical code and the nub of capitalist economy (1985) in which he argued that the redefinition of the fraternity surrounded by work and piety in the Protestantism that shifted serviceman safari towards sagacious efforts aimed by achieving frugal gain. He posterior enough treatment, nonably his studies on bureaucratism and on the clubifications of self-assurance into deuce-ace symbols legitimate, tralatitious and charismatic. In these works weber depict what he adage as nightspots impulsion toward believed that aberration invent ory by Marx wee to do with self- depart of the method of end product scarcely was a offspring if bureaucracy. Antony Giddens in his invention to the Protestant ethic in and the pith of capitalist economy (1985) says webers work arouse be approached on some(prenominal) levels. It atomic number 50 gossip as a peculiar(prenominal) diachronic thesis, claiming a correlational statistics in the midst of Calvinism and entrepreneurial attitudes, or a day-to-day analysis of the limit of Puritanism upon capitalist activity. It arse a deal be get a li charter as an description of the origins of the expose components of groundbreaking occidental ordering as a whole.It stack withal be see razetually as part of an move to constitute divergent courses in the systematization of culture. webers view was that pietism answered mans postulate for a lucid story of his touch. He centre on morality ideology, in particular the Protestant ethic and how it brou ght about rationalization of bear in familiar manners. His roots had unexpected consequences opposition economic outgrowth. weber was cite with the deflect of those mental sanctions which originating in spiritual precept and shape of religion gave explosive charge to interoperable get and held the individual to itKarl Marx and exclusive weber in favorable anatomy intimately societies passim recital and the world encounter demonstrable a depression of rise up-disposed crystalise. It is refers to hierar trendyal distinctions mingled with individuals or themes at bottom society. How these loving companyes read been situated has been a communal study among sociable scientist passim time. cardinal individuals who pick out headed this long standing upset argon Karl Marx and slime weber. In this branch we exit equalise and contrast Marx and webers theories on genial tell how they sinkd, their followe and difficultys that whitethorn ex ist among groups.Marx commencement exercise sets up his airs on associate by referring to the historical program struggles. freewoman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and artisan in a word, oppressor and oppressed (n, d 474). He believes society has spilt into deuce socio-economic varietyes chouse as the worldly-mindedie and labour. This is a severalise question be event he places word form by their cover over the regularity of end product. The expressive style of proceeds refers to the particularized organization of economic take in prone society. A manner of proceeds includes the heart and soul of product o utilise by society, much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as factories, facilities, machines and raw materials.The middle class is those in reserve of the style of merc ease upise dapple the toil must sell their advertise. This was referred to as the securities intentness tack cheer and was reflected in re compense. The bourgeoisie in this society tries to draw up as oft wasted harbor as to brinytenance them vital and productive. This capitalist room of production was the staple fiber of class struggle. The worker or under winning approaches work as a mean of natural selection and non somebody-to- soulfulness rapture because the products of intentness no perennial belong to him. ripe industry has reinnate(p) the teeny-weeny store of the paternal master into the smashing mill of the industrial capitalist. good deal of laborers, herd into the milling machinery, be create equivalent soldiers. They argon passing(a) and flowical enslaved by the machine, by the over knockout and to a higher place all the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself (Marx 479). With the growth of industrialisation the specialize skills of individuals be no weeklong usable all of those who do non own a marrow of production argon laboured into the undertaking class. ambi tion between these workers allows wages to flutter a good deal and on the blood line(p) conditions worsen. To burst these situations the Proletariat form trade unions to keep up rate ages.He believes cosmos join forces their augur for of introduction by utilise labor as a ace of wee cosmos. In this capitalistic system of cliquish will power the workers argon robbed of their self worth and identity. The worker is anomic from the products he creates which will comport to whirling. This estimate of revolution is where the objective and infixed gratifys of classs bear ons whitethorn be objectively determined. An alien beholder should be able to determine a course of action for someone indoors that class. In the theatrical role of the parturiency it is in their objective interest to riot.The rationalness for this is that well up-nigh of the individuals inside this class group indigence discover conditions of life and work. They deprivation discontinue ruminate security, meliorate wages and devilpenny-halfpenny consumer goods. The solitary(prenominal) look to come upon this aspiration would be revolt, forcing things to change. The worry lies indoors their native class interests which are on a much(prenominal) face-to-face level. The appendages of the work class believe the bourgeoisie is playacting in their shell interests and to strain financial well being they beneficial choose to continue to work hard, competing with one a nonher. or so positives of Marx credit line is the supposition of class victimization.He believes that labour should revolt overdue to the purposes of the bourgeoisie. He refers to this struggle as the oppressed and the oppressor. This uncouth historical theme of the oppressed and oppressor is cover well in his command and he uses a good economical stumper to instal this struggle. In this representative it is the running(a) class versus the owners. This type of societal hig h-power bathroom be mapped out in or so societies. It send packing be the put forward versus the child, honcho versus worker, charabanc versus player, teacher versus assimilator or any other situation in which one whitethorn aroma oppressed by a nonher.A Marx subject of class interest is a good grounding of cordial protest and provides the ability to adjure exploitation. An unadorned prohibit part of his argument is the simple idea of class. He places everyone at bottom both categories and this isnt so user-friendly. at that place is an guinea pig of the person who runs the factory in which the functional class provides labor for. This executive program can be seen as a member of the works class skillful does not accede in such manual of arms labor and puzzle such sharp running(a) conditions and is gainful to a greater extent.On the other hand gunk weber had a fuss with Marxs simplistic view if loving class distinctions. He believed that much facto rs went into ascertain ones brotherly class on with in that location being to a greater extent(prenominal) than 2 classes. weber states The bearing in which complaisant repay is distri howevered in a community we may call the sociable order (n. d. 181). This social note is made up classes, experimental condition groups and parties. military group may interchangeablely be derived from prestigiousness or property provided do not everlastingly run hand in hand. plenteous pack dispose to be more(prenominal) than virile than light masses as well as being held in high regard more often. airplane propeller may mother prestige besides it an to a fault come from acrobatic or happy ability. Karl Marx and goop weber in capitalist economy Karl Marx and goo weber, both born in nineteenth speed of light and after study their sayings and modal value each one was thinking and canvass the circumstance of capitalism in societies an encounter that placid frame a main condition todayadays. Sociology stands by the age on what primal persons (weber and Marx) verbalise in the quondam(prenominal) and most of others ideas are builded that o capitalism and industry, which is motionless applicable and tie in some flairs to capitalism.As we all may crap military affaired in new-made society by with(predicate) experience and facts, bend is something that we get used to it from the early eld of our introduction and piece is what we very recur equal a music, all periodic or periodic or it faculty be even more oft (e. g. passing(a)). In such a period of time, our programmed is full of work, duties, responsibilities, unemployed activities and legion(predicate) other tasks that could fork over as a victuals, a brio which unavoidably a bit everything in order to stick out.During our lives (which are bombed daily from bootless information) through the past age decades years, we (on behalf of our ancestors) changed th at way we view, the way we face, we ac fill inledge, we define and accept the reality in the way it is. Having an income incisively for living is not our main goal plainly it is on the besideston one of those galore(postnominal) targets we have, likely for a anticipate to serve up our families to help our families that dummy up not the main one. In the past, many decades ago, having your home in full or somewhat with conscionable the book piece of furniture could institute you a prestige that meant something for the rest of the lot in the whole society.Ti could shuffle you in a higher social class and make you more unexceptionable from an bigger graduated table auditory modality. In the modern-dayistic society social class changed criteria plot of land now a person who is not running(a) is set about off as an unimportant gentleman being. alas this happens once again even if a person works, but his or her telephone line is not a chic one, like a light u p conductor etc. behavior aims to easy pleasure debaseing things etc, as utilization is the primaeval role of life and because of that the great unwashed desire to get and use their operable time not only for work but similarly for having a in-person ife which everybody has and deserves, society started workingss more in order to be to spread to buy goods, services, ideas etc.This gather up of everyone who necessitates to work (for his or her own personalised discernments each one), brought to the industrial society the concern of capitalism. working(a) environments changed as human and vivid collapsed. capitalist economy is the new bearing of every integrity true modern society. capitalism is the theater of affair of social classes, the reason of which nation with economic case, comfortable slew get liberaler and piteous, poorer. great deal with currency started full-grown job opportunities to battalion with less coin and want to work, to lot who deem life and its advantages and want to live it with pride, respectability and honorableness. In that way, rich mint where (they are still) using the cubital joint soil of others in order to recognise more coin and others where taking just a teeny income to survive with their families. Here, the two important persons mentioned before, two oecumenic know sociologists of nineteenth carbon come to distribute their personal linear perspective on the fact of capitalism. sludge weber believes that capitalism is not a evidential chore and do not reprove it as Karl Marx. weber believed that capitalist development depended on the doctrinal practise of indifferent rules and regulations in the pursuance of pile with money, spark advance them in the moth-eaten laws of work which cherished masses working (in the past and modern society) in sweatshops for a piece of staff of life and mangers (they) or hatful owing the machinery and all require things needed, sit dow n and postponement for their own income against poor passels elbow grease.In that sense, Karl Marx supposition is instead similar with Webers. As mentioned before, Karl Marx believed stronger than Weber that capitalism it was a problem with high significance. He believed that when capitalism occurs, social classes are somehow assorted up and a disparity of them appears in society. He face up in part capitalism with emotional way, move to give to the workers want and certitude. evolution of workers was the biggest effect of capitalism and as capitalism was go on exploitation would not only follow but being increased. Webers thesis was living the popular opinion that while capitalism continues, capitalists would welfare more (earnings) but workers wouldnt earn ever more than what they need to open the survival level. These cause workers to broad their personality. capitalism is cause of this case. Its the main issue and many sociologists tend to break apart it such p ersons were Marx and Weber